Alo Drukpa Tours & Treks

When is the best time to visit Bhutan?


The unique affluent of Bhutanese culture draws the line of identity and sovereignty of the nation from other worlds. Bhutanese are very much blessed with distinctive culture but the changes brought upon by the rapidly modernizing and globalizing world affects in upholding culture value.

Despite all the external challenges Bhutan’s unique identity is reflected through the magnificent architecture, dress, festivals, games, language, food and the everyday way of life. It’s important that Bhutan never sees its culture diminishing at any cost. Hence everybody has to shoulder the responsible and duty to preserve and promote the culture. It is through the culture that draws the attention of international citizens and helping the country economy to grow.

Exploring and experiencing the culture of Bhutan is one of the fascinating tour packages for the tourist. Above all one could glimpse the transformation in the geography, weather, people, the culture and tradition of Bhutan. Our unique cultural identity is what you will take as a memory.

We will provide to have memorable Bhutan Cultural Tour in Bhutan based on your interest and time of your stay in Bhutan.